Monday, March 10, 2008

A cold but fun portrait session

Hello friends,

I know you probably thought I have dropped off the face of the earth, but no I am still here. Just been very busy.

Today I am showing off some fun portraits of my friend Courtney's kids. Courtney, whom I've mentioned before, owns the Garden Baby Boutique, You can see her website linked to my blog. She has two great kids, who are quite the little models. We had so much fun, dressed them up in some of Courtney's hand made outfits, and went over to Bremerton, where they built the new water fountains, to take some portraits.
The weather was not exactly being our friend this day, it was soooo cold, but the kids did great, we came up with some really great portraits. You will see some of these pictures hanging up in her shop.
After the session, we wanted to reward the kids with hot chocolate, for being such troopers, but they insisted on ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery. Kids just crack me up.

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