Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Jacobi Twins Turn One

The Jacobi Twins, one day old.

Watching this family go from anticipation of having their first babies, to now the twins first birthday, has been a fun journey. The year has just flown by, and the Jacobi twins are growing and changing so quickly.

I've so enjoyed getting to be a small part of this families life, and getting to know Rhonda and James, and some of their lifes struggles and joys of being parents.

This photo session was really fun. The girls are at a great age to be photographed. They are just beginning to walk and are curios of all of their surroundings. I just love this age. It's so fun. Mom and Dad always say that one is a little angel and the other can be a little devil. I think we captured this well in our portrait of them in their Halloween Costumes. But personally I think their both little angels, and I can't tell them apart to save my life.

1 comment:

Carla Pomroy said...

oh my gosh - I haven't seen a cuter photo lately than the little crying devil and the darling little sister angel- that is a wonderful capture-
great job.