Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Ebat's Precious Gift

Kevin and Mary are this sweet couple that I've know for over 3 years now. Before they were married I used to always tell them they were the cutest couple I knew, because they were just so lovey all the time. I am so happy for them to be able to take that love of two, and make it three. They just had beautiful baby Zoey, and let me have the pleasure of being the first one to capture her beautiful face professionally. She is a sweet little doll, and I am very excited to watch her grow. I'm sure she is going to be a total sweetheart with loving parents like Kevin and Mary and with all the love she is going to get. Congratulations to you two and God Bless your new family of three.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi, this might seem kind of weird, but my name is laura riches and i knew mary (formerly wheeler) a long time ago. we were friends as girls. she's been on my mind lately for some reason and so i looked her up to see where she might be these days and somehow the trail took me to this posting. i didn't even know she was married, let alone had a gorgeous little baby. anyway, i was wondering if maybe you could put us in touch. my email is if you could maybe just pass this onto her when you get a chance, i would appreciate it very much. thanks!