Sunday, January 6, 2008

An evening with Levi

Last night was different. Having two children, you really take for granted the time you get to spend alone with each. Dave took Vinny, my 4 year old, to the motorcycle races last night, which left me home alone for several hours with Levi, my 22 month old. At first it was just seeming like another night, but then I realized that I had an opportunity to get down on the floor and get some real one on one play time alone with him. Something that I often did with my older son, but rarely do with Levi, because Vinny's always down there playing with him. I really enjoyed the time alone, and it just made me appreciate him for being his own individual person, with his own individual personality. Here are a couple of fun pictures of him. As you can see he's quite the character.

My little cutie pie Levi Gabriel

1 comment:

Willow said...

My fave is the running bare bottom, how cute is that?? Classic, I love it!